where you can watch 3D movies and where you can
play 3D games without wearing special glasses.

Imagine You Watch Final Games World Cup 2014 in PI 3D TableT ? 

PI  Perfect Internet 3D NEO3DO Tablet - FAQ with Co-founder Mr Nick Springgs

Get to Know  NEO3DO  : The World Leader in Mobile 3D Technology

My name is Nick Spriggs, and I’m with NEO3DO. My partner, David Briggs and I founded the company back in 2011, based on the belief that naked-eye, 3D technology is something that the world should benefit from; and it’s something we based our company on. We were fortunate enough to meet with the team from PerfectPages. We really have a lot of overlap in our interests.

Our goal when we set out to start the company, was to produce simple, affordable, reliable, enjoyable naked-eye 3D display—that it had an easy user, and you could do everything that you want to do in 2D, plus the ability to watch 3D content. We had our Indiegogo campaign Jan. 2013. We started shipping our product in July of 2013. We’ve now reached the point that we’re ready to start our 2nd generation product.

We’ve had fabulous compliments from our customers, all over the world. We’ve had very good fortune with our customers enjoying the product, and the reliability of the product has been outstanding. Now we’re ready to advance onto the 2nd generation tablet, where we will increase the resolution, and increase the connectivity by using 3G or 4G LTE options. We also want to include the G functionality. So we’re looking to complete the market research portion of our development on this device, and we’re looking to the members of PerfectPages to choose the final specifications in a crowd-source development exercise.

Earlier today Gee and I spoke, and we also spoke with Dan. So our current tablet is in the android tablets; we’re up to android operating systems 4.1.1; and it’s working very stably, and consistently. We have the 3D still photographs; and we also have 3D video, where can show any 3D video content in 3D. We also have 3D video games, and one of the fun features is the ability to take 2D videos and convert them to 3D videos, on the fly. We have an application that allows us to use any of the YouTube videos and view those in 3D as well.

Many of our customers like the ability to create their own content and view the content without having to go to the computer. They can simply take their micro SD card out of their camera or their phone, and insert it into their tablet to view and/or to share their photos with their friends and family. One of the ways both David and I use the tablet is to use as a viewer in the field, for our still photographs and our videos.

Many times when we show the tablet to people the first question they ask is, “Do I have to watch EVERYTHING in 3D?” The answer is “No.” It works just as well as a 2D tablet and allows you to do email, Facebook, or web-browsing, just like you would on a regular tablet; and you have the benefit of 3D when you want it, but no negative aspect of 3D, when you don’t want it.

So after meeting with Dan and the PerfectPages team, we decided that making a Perfect Internet and a PerfectPages prepared tablet made a lot of sense, because it will allow all the PerfectPages and PI members to have the Perfect Tablet, and have it in 3D.

One of the things that we’ve discussed is which features would the user-group be most interested in. Currently we have a dual-core processor, and dual-core GPU. We have Wi-Fi activity. We have the 1280 x 800 display, so we’re curious as to what resolution to use. Is 1920 x 1080 high enough? Do we have interest for a 4K tablet? Is 3G connectivity enough, or do we need 4G LTE?

So we’re really interested in hearing what the group would like, and any questions that the group has. (The chat room is opened so members can type in questions.)


Q: The first question that I see, is asking to install a more powerful battery.

A: One of the good things is that as we improve the quality of the chips and the power of the chips, they actually use less battery; so, our current 4-7 hour battery life is something that we intend to improve on the 2nd generation tablet.

Q. Is the Perfect Image branded tablet going to be the only tablet sold (by your company?)

A1:  No, it will not. The Perfect Image branded tablet will come pre-configured with the Perfect Image feature set, including the Perfect APP, Perfect Internet, and PerfectPages. So PI will be the first group to get the 2nd generation tablet, and we will still sell the 1st generation tablet. We will see how sales develop on the 2nd generation tablet, and we’ll go on from there.

A2: Yes, the Quad-Core 4G LTE is leading in the race right now, so I think that one will be very important.

Q: How much will it cost PI members?

A: Initially the price target is US$ 399; and we anticipate a 4G LTE, GPS, 1920 x 1080, 8-inch tablet, with the Perfect Internet pre-installed, so that a PI user can simply logon and have all the access that they have on their computer.

Q: Why do PI members pay US$ 50 more, to get the tablet, than outsiders do?

A: On that question, the target price of US$ 399 is the price of a tablet that has not been built yet. The existing tablet is Wi-Fi connected only, and it doesn’t have the Perfect Internet, and it doesn’t have the Quad-Core, and it doesn’t have the 4G LT. So I see that that is important.

Q: Will there be an HGMI pluggin to Sony?

A: Right now there’s an HGMI output that outputs into full 1920 x 1080i; and we’re working on developing, so that there can be an HGMI in-plug and it can be a monitor, or a camera, or a playback device, or a phone.

Q: What will be the price of the tablet in Jordan?

A: In Jordan? The price should still be the same, just the shipping will be higher. All of our manufacturing is done in China. If we ship directly from China to Jordan, we should be able to keep the shipping to a more modest price.

Q: How much will the price range and cost for 3G vs. 4G?

A: I don’t know answer to that on the cost side for the development. I think the 4G LTE would be the more desirable one, provided it doesn’t drive the total cost for the bill of materials above the price that would allow us to meet that US9.

Other features we’ve considered adding is the gesture control for the 3D side, and iTracking; and we’ve also considered having 2 cameras on the back for a 3D photo capture.

Q. It is neat that you can turn the 3D on or off. Can you explain this a little more?
A: The way that we make 3D on the tablet is by using something called a parallax barrier; and the parallax barrier is a thin layer of film over the LCD module that we can activate electronically to turn on the parallax barrier to create 3D; and we can turn off the parallax barrier to have regular 2D. And you’ll notice just a slight darkening of the subject when the parallax barrier comes on, but that’s what creates the richness, depth, texture, and the separation of objects in the image.

Q. Will you discontinue the 1st generation, if the PI brand 2nd generation does well? 
A: That’s an interesting question. We have room for a small, medium, and large option. There are schools around the world that could benefit from a 3D display technology, but don’t have the budget for 3G or 4G connectivity. We need to have the lowest cost solution for students around the world, where they still get the benefit of having a 2D and a 3D tablet with connection with Wi-Fi at school. We wouldn’t necessarily discontinue the tablet, but it may become an education-only or low-cost-only tablet.

Q: Will the 3D tablet have 3G or 4G support?
A: The next generation tablet will have at least 3G and most likely 4G connectivity, providing the chip set that we choose for our final chip set, has that capability.

Q: How will the tablet compete with other companies, because I’ve heard of a 3D tablet from Amazon, etc?
A: Very good question. The current market place has our tablet, the NEO3DO. Hampoo has a 10” tablet that’s US$ 1,000, but it only has a 1-hour battery life. It has perfectly wonderful 3D, but it has less features than ours, and is made by a different manufacturer. Amazon’s is a cellphone, much like the LG Thrill, or the HTC EVO, and it’s a 5” screen. Instead of using parallax barrier or lenticular lenses, it uses a backing to manipulate the picture to show you what it WOULD look like IF it were a 3D tablet. I’ve not yet seen one of these displays, but I’m very happy and very excited that Amazon has chosen to enter the 3D market, because it creates even more awareness and demand for better products. It is our goal to produce the very best product that our customers are the most happy with.

Q. What system are you using in the tablet?
A: Right now we’re using the Jelly Bean android operating system, 4.1.1.

Q. Can the tablet make a call like a hand phone?
A: There’s two ways to answer that. One is “Yes,” and one is “No.” Even on a data plan you could use the voice-over I.T. protocols like Skype or Google Hangout, or like what we’re using, voice-over protocol, right now. With the cellular activity we will have the telephone feature enabled, provided you have that service with your cellphone carrier. My suspicion is that the more dominant usage will be data only, and then using the free phone services through Skype and through Google Hangout.

Q. Why don’t you supply it with a better camera?
A: Absolutely! That is my personal favorite room for improvement. My personal cellphone is a Samsung Galaxy III that has an absolutely wonderful camera. On our initial product we had to be very mindful of cost. By being mindful of cost, we went with a *** megapixel forward facing, and .3 megapixel rearward facing camera, simply for our budget. As we develop more demand, and more sales volume, we can definitely afford to put a much better camera, perhaps even dual cameras for 3D capture. That’s one we’re looking into, as far as a dual camera.

Q. Is there any warranty?
A: The warranty is one year, on exchange for parts and labor. The one area we’ve seen some issues with is the LCD module cracking; which, typically if it doesn’t ship with the cracked LCD, it was cracked by the user; and we’ve been probably more generous than Apple and Samsung in replacing, in that regard. We’ve had less than a 5% return, defect or failure rate; so we’re very proud to keep the quality up, and keep improving that.

Q. Can the tablet be used in different languages?
A: The android operating system supports 85 languages natively, and the 85 languages that it’s currently supporting is growing.

Q. Will PI members get it cheaper than outsiders?
A: Yes, I do believe PI members will have a better price, and a lower price for more features, than outsiders, based on being early supporters and early adopters.

Q. Why does the production cost US$ 100,000?
A: The initial development and design—like if you are building a house, or building a building; you have to do all the plans, and do all the design, and get everything in order before you begin production. Those are the “soft” costs associated with the final design and specifications; and the tooling that’s required to then begin assembly on a large scale.

Q. How will PerfectPages and Perfect APP work—from the parallax barrier, or from the un-programming code, or something else?
A: Every application on the tablet, has the ability to integrate our software developer kit, which is the code that allows one to turn the 3D on or off. One thing we’ve discussed in our researching: does it make sense to have a hardware button that would turn the 3D on or off?—it would be so simple that if, for some reason, the 3D was somewhere you didn’t want it, you could turn it off; of if you wanted 3D somewhere else, you turn it on. If we made it hardware dependent, rather than software dependent, would that be something that the users would enjoy? So that’s one of the questions that I put back for (you), our user-group.

Q. What is the support for telephone and SMT?
A: I don’t know which of the cellular standards we will be using. We’re most interested in the MEDIA-TECH chip right now. I don’t have a good answer for that one right now. We need to research that, and choose one that is better.

Q. What will the processor be?
A: Right now, our target processor is either the Qualcomm Snapdragon S800 8094, which is a Quad-core CPU/Quad-core GPU, very similar to the one in the Samsung Galaxy III. Alternatively, MEDIA-TECH has a chip set that is a Quad-core CPU/8-core GPU that performs similarly to the much more expensive Qualcomm chip; and as long as we can get the MEDIA-TECH chip to be cell-end compliant in the countries we need to sell in, then we will use the MEDIA-TECH chip. If the MEDIA-TECH chip can’t be made to serve the cellular connectivity that we need, then we may need to go with the Qualcomm chip.

Q. What are the sales projections through 2015?
A: I can tell you from the beginning. We’ve sold 850 units from July, 2013 through December, 2013. Our 2014 projections are to sell 35,000 units; and just over the weekend, we had interest from one buyer for 30,000 units; so I think we may need to revise our figures upward to 50 to 75,000 units in 2014. That is based on our current duration. The 2nd generation tablet may be even more desirable, provided we can build it at a cost that still allows us to be at that US$ 399-or-better price. That’s really what we’re looking for, to deliver the most need for our customers; but also with the features that they want, and NOT the features that they DON’T want. We only want to spend the money where people enjoy it.
2015 sales projections: we would like to be in the 100,000-200,000 range. A lot of that depends on how many countries the tablet take off in. Right now we have U.S. global distribution through Ingram Micro. We have U.S. retail distribution in Fry’s Electronics. Ingram Micro is a 37 billion dollar, global, electronics company; so the more awareness and demand that is created for 3D tablets, the more sales, I believe we will generate; based on our packing the most 3D features into the tablet, per dollar.

Q. Will PI members be able to sell the tablet, and get commissions for that?
A: Currently we have offered both referral and re-seller agreements. Some people that are interested. We haven’t boiled that down to a commission per tablet, but that’s something I’d like to talk to Dan and the PI team; to see how we could keep track of that logistically. If we generate a unique coupon code for each person desiring to generate commissions, I think that could be very beneficial. I’d like to say “Value created, is value rewarded.”

Q. Are the PI tablets going to be carried in any stores such as Best Buy?
A: We are not in Best Buy retail stores just yet, but we are on BestBuy.com, based on our placement and distribution agreement with Ingram Micro.

Q. What processor are you using?
A: I think I answered that before. (see answer #23.)

Q. For us the price is still too high. Can you make it cheaper for us?
A: Right now we’d rather under-promise, and over-deliver. Since we still have value engineering, and component sourcing to do, we’d like to surprise all consumers with a better price and more value, but right now it’s hard to predict what price we can secure all the components.

Q. Can it be sold on eBay?
A: Yes, we actually do sell on eBay, but out of the past year, we’ve only sold 2 units (on eBay), vs. 200 on Amazon.com, and 600 from our website.

Q. Would it be possible to include the PI software on all of your production?
A: Absolutely! We would love to include the PI software on all the tablets, to grow the PI community. One of the things that my partner, David, and I are most excited about in working with the Perfect Internet team, is the global reach. We thought we had sold into a lot of countries when we just reached 26 countries, but with over 180 countries out there, we would very much like to be up to the 50, or 100, or 125 range. So that’s something we’re very excited about in working with a global team.

Q. Is your technology unique, or were you preceded by others?
A: That’s a very good question. 3D technology began in 1850, so it’s been around for over 150 years. The precise technology, the parallax barrier technology, has been used in the LT Thrill, the HTC EBO, the Nintendo 3DS, and sold in the high-single-digit millions of units. So that allowed us to learn what worked and what didn’t work, in creating our product. We believe others will continue to create naked-eye 3D products, and we look forward to the competition.

Q. How soon will PI members be able to get a tablet to demo to others?
A: At this time, I believe the 1st generation tablet will be available, providing we can get the PerfectPages interface and Perfect Internet working on the 1st generation tablet. I know there’s a big meeting coming up in June, in Las Vegas where we’re based. That could be a good fit; but we need to work within the team to coordinate the logistics and the total number of units.

Q. When will we be able to buy the tab and show it off?
A: I’d like to think we could make something happen before June 25, whether it’s on the 1st generation, or the 2nd generation tablet. The display will be very similar, just the performance will be faster, and the battery life will be longer.

Q. Is the tablet compatible with all operating systems?
A: Our tablet is not. It only runs on the android-operating system. The technology itself for the display could work on Apple, or could work on Windows-based systems, but I’m unaware of anyone developing a display for those systems.

Q. Will the final version be out on June 25?
A: I don’t think that’s likely, because it would take longer than from now to June 25 to get FCC and CE and CSA approvals. So that’s the challenge. If we raise enough funding to reach the development cost, and get it through as fast as we can, we may not be able to make the 25th, but we’re looking to have the 1st generation, with the Perfect Internet functionality completely built-in, to be ready by the 25th.

Q. Please do not sacrifice features to save a few dollars. It must be the best quality for Perfect Internet.
A: I hear you and agree with you! That’s very much what David and I are in agreement with. Let’s make the most amazing tablet that we can, while keeping price in mind. Let’s not be short-sighted. Let’s make a tablet that will have the performance to be desirable 2 or 3 years from now, and not just be a disposable one-year product.

Q. How different is android OS from Windows?
A: I’m not really qualified to answer that, except that I know you can’t run applications for a windows tablet on an android, or visa-versa.

Perfect 3D for the Perfect Internet experience!
(Answer to a question from Gerard): Gerard, we do have the RJ 45D USB adapter available, and I’ve personally tested it, and it works very well; especially when Wi-Fi isn’t available or people are sensitive, so I think you’re right on point with that.

Q. Do you need 3D glasses with the tablet?
A: The tablet is used without glasses.

Q. Do you have a demo video we could use?
A: We have a number of demo videos for the current generation, and user-reaction videos, and how-to videos. As we develop, I believe we will share the working process videos to show the progress that we’re making. It’s fun for us, and I think it’s fun for the people that are following it.

See Video :

Q. Can we buy the tablet from your website?

A: Yes, currently we have the tablets for sale on our website. You can use the coupon code: “auto D”, so that we’ll know that you learned about it through this call, and through this webinar. If you see it, like it, share it, and promote it, it’ll make the Perfect Internet and the Perfect Tab even bigger successes than we hope for them to be.
I can’t wait for the 2nd generation tablet. I’ve been using my 1st generation tablet and prototype since Sept., 2012. I’m super excited to get cellular connectivity, higher resolution, better performance from the chip set, and a way-better camera, in addition to the gesture control, and iTrack. We should come up with some survey questions and share with the group, so we can tally exactly what the best feature set looks like.

Q. Will the tablet have the features like Sony and iPad?
A: We will have the features of Sony and iPad, and THEN SOME; by adding the 3D and the gesture control, and perhaps a 3D scanner, or a 3D camera capture system on the back. We’ll be the Ferrari of tablets, and Sony and Apple will look to us to copy our advanced design features.

Q. David, Terry, and Nick: How did you guys find out about Perfect Internet?
A: We met Dan, here in Las Vegas through his presentation that he presented and we presented; and followed up afterwards, and have been having conversations for the last few months.
Thank you, Dan (Dan Settgast - PI Director Marketing ) ; and thank you to everyone who stayed up late to listen, and we will follow up as often as Dan recommends. 
